Short Bio
Gabriele Orazi holds a double Master’s Degree in Computer Science (Cyber Security) from the University of Trento and Turku. After brief experience in DevSecOps, he became a research fellow at the University of Padua in the SPRITZ Security and Privacy Research Group, supervised by Prof. Mauro Conti. He is currently a Ph.D. student in Brain, Mind and Computer Science (BMCS), focusing on privacy, obfuscation, cyber forensics, and malware detection. He recently had a six months visiting experience in California, at UCI. Beyond his GNU/Linux passion, he enjoys repurposing computer hardware. When away from the keyboard, you can find him rock climbing or trail running in the mountains.
Gabriele Orazi ha conseguito la doppia laurea magistrale in Informatica presso l’Università di Trento e Turku, con curriculum Cyber Security. Dopo due brevi esperienze lavorative come DevSecOps, è entrato a far parte dell’Università di Padova come assegnista nel gruppo di ricerca SPRITZ Security and Privacy, sotto la supervisione del Prof. Mauro Conti. Attualmente è dottorando in Brain, Mind and Computer Science (BMCS), dove studia privacy, tecniche di offuscamento e anonimizzazione, cyber forensics e malware detection. Ha recentemente concluso un periodo di visiting di sei mesi in California, a UCI. È un appassionato di GNU/Linux e nel tempo libero si diverte con progetti di riuso e restauro di computer hardware. Quando non è alla tastiera, lo si può trovare ad arrampicare o a fare trail running in montagna.
Grants, Awards, and Other Distinctions
EIT Digital Master School
- Winner of a scholarship for double-degree program during the master school.
- Second master’s year spent in Finland (University on Turku).
NGI Enrichers Fellowship
- Winner of a scholarship program which supports collaboration between European and US researchers and innovators.
- Spending 6 months (July - December 2023) in University of California, Irvine (UCI).
ICSSS 2024
- Selected to be part of the 60 participants, the 9th International Cyber Security Summer School took place in The Hague, 18-23 August 2024.
- The programme focuses on all different aspects of Cyber Security with a technical, legal, governance and social science view on cyber threats and opportunities.